duminică, 11 septembrie 2016

K-style Hub, a must for a K culture lover !

                                       Are you a Hallyu Fan?

photo source: https://www.google.co.kr/search?q=k+style+hub&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi2xLj55ofPAhUBtpQKHYphCuEQ_AUICCgB&biw=1366&bih=667#imgrc=E-Hs725rGIaI4M%3A

                     Do you love Korean culture? Food? History? K-pop? 

Do you like nice people to inform you about k food, culture and events? You do not need to know Korean language because they have English, Chinese and Japanese speakers who are willing to help out.

Do you want to experience K style?

 Would you like to try out wearing a hanbok (Korean traditional clothes)? Would you like to learn how to cook Korean food? Then there you are~ you can just make a reservation for the cooking class !

Are you just a tourist? Or an expat?

Are you a Muslim? Then, there is no problem, you can even find a Muslim prayer room !! How amazing is this?

Then Kstyle Hub is the right place for you!

On the 31st of August, I got the chance to visit Kstyle Hub located in Korean Culture Building . It was very impressive !

The building is new, very clean and well organized. There are 5 floors:

On the second floor, you can find the information desk and virtual reality experience zone. Next floor is dedicated impressed me the most because there is an exposition of  Korean food history.

 On the 4th floor, you can find a cafeteria and also there is the place for the cooking class. Next floor in the place where one can buy Korean snacks, ginseng, healthy food, tea, and the most important you can try on for free Korean clothes, hanbok.

Here you can find the address if you are interested in Korean culture:

40, Cheonggyecheon-ro, Jungu-gu, Seoul.

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