vineri, 2 decembrie 2016

On my way to meet you, a TV show where the protagonists are from North Korea

I got the chance to film for the TV show On my way to meet you. There I was asked why a Romanian came all this long way to learn about North Korea. Also, I was asked about North Korea`s imagine in communist Romania or how NK influenced Romania in the past. I got to meet many nice people, especially North Korean Defectors that despite their past they can still smile and be kind.

Many times South Korea was blamed for not being enough prepared to integrate/accommodate North Koreans. It is true that in the past South Korea did not know how to get a better understanding of NK, however, for the past years, South Korean society started to show more and more interest and wanting to get a better understanding of their neighbor.

In 2012 a TV program called On my way to meet you 이제 만나러 갑니다 was broadcasting for the first time and its purpose was to inform south Koreans about north Korean society, daily life, culture, food, hardships... when we think of NK most of the times we have in mind nuclear weapons, authoritarian regime, however, north Koreans are humans like us and we should sympathize with them more.

All the guests are from North Korea and most of them are women that are called beauties 미녀. There is a saying in the Korean Peninsula: 남남북녀 and if we translate it means north Korean women are beautiful and south Korean men are handsome.

Photo credits:

Along with north Korean defectors, there are 4 south Korean men guests. Lately, foreigners that live in Korea started to participate as well.

Each episode has a specific theme that is related to NK life. For one hour and 20 minutes the north Korean guests talk about their lives back in NK, dance, laugh and cry while reminding their families that are still there.

To be honest while watching this TV program I was very impressed by their stories, like struggling with poverty, smuggling CDs from China in order to watch South Korean soap operas. Most of the Nk people confessed after getting to know about K-pop or K-dramas, they decided to defect.

However, there are some people who criticized NK defectors who chose to leave their families back and move to SK. I think we should not judge. Maybe because we were fortunate enough to live in a free country and having enough food we cannot understand. Most of the people that defected tried to help out their families back in NK by sending them money or sending brokers in order to help them to defect.

Most of the guests have very sad stories, they witnessed violence, some even failed to defect and after being caught by the police they had to do forced labor in prison camps. Some of those who succeeded to defect had to endure hardships in China, to live with a fake identity and work hard in order to survive. While being in China, their best fear is to be caught by the Chinese authorities as China and North Korea made a pact to send back all the defectors.

In you are interested in North Korea you should watch this tv program every Sunday evening 6:30. As for me...with each story I heard I can tell that I feel closer to NK defectors and I really hope that the unification day will come faster.

vineri, 25 noiembrie 2016

The fail of August Faction Incident - 8월 종파 사건


Photo credits: 

History showed us that even the most powerful leaders had to confront with different coalitions that tried to put them down.

   We all know that Kim Il Sung was the incontestable leader of North Korea, but not many remember that even Kim had to confront a coalition who planned to take over the power from his hands. During the Korean War, especially after the Chinese Intervention, Kim managed to eliminate many of his enemies and to consolidate his power even though attacking South Korea was not a smart move.

   In the beginning of the North Korean political life, the situation was different than the realities we know today. The North Korean Workers' Party was not the only party that was dominating the north Korean politics. There were four main parties:

1. The Domestic Faction (formed by the Koreans who stayed in Korean Peninsula even during the colonial era)
2. Guerilla Faction (Its members were those who fought along with Kim in Manchuria as guerrillas)
3. Yanan Faction (the members were Koreans that emigrated to China and return back in 1945)
4. The Soviet Faction (formed by Soviet-Koreans)

   Starting with 1953 Kim had to do visits in different communist countries, especially in Eastern Europe in order to get help to recover its country`s poor economy. During his absence, the leading members of Yanan Faction along with some members of the Soviet Faction gave a speech criticizing Kim Il Sung's policies and planned to take down Kim and replace him with a collective leadership. The main reason was that they did not like the ascending cult of personality that Kim was promoting. It is not well known if they planned to do a military coup d’état.

   This incident is known in the history as The August Faction Incident or Second Arduous March and it took place on 30th august 1956 during the North Korean Workers' Party plenum. This came as a result of N.Kruscheov' s anti-Stalinism speeches. 

   During the 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, the new soviet leader tried to get rid of Stalin legacy. This affected the communist all around the world and in Hungary and Poland revolution occurred. However, in North Korea this speech did not damaged Kim's imagine as he was already getting the support from the Central Committee.

Why did this collation fail to take down Kim Il Sung?

   First of all, Yanan party`s members did not have a common ideology and identity to relate to and at the same time, they could not control the army or to get any support from the military. 

   Furthermore, no other domestic group supported this coalition as Kim eliminated all his enemies before, he installed fear among north Korean politicians.
During his guerrilla`s years, Kim made allies and he gave all the trust and power to the Guerilla Faction leaders, and by that time, many of the generals in the Korean People`s Army were Kim`s closest men.

 In fact, this unsuccessful coalition had a big impact on north Korean politics, as Kim Il Sung used this incident to eliminate any potential enemy that would have threaten his position as supreme leader. The members of this incident were called rebels and arrested and executed. Even some of them fled to China or the URSS, even their families had to pay the price of the "treason". 

   After this incident, Kim's power was strengthened and made the path for a new north Korean nationalism communism and empowering the Juche ideology. Furthermore, it was the beginning of "independence" and non-intervention in intern affairs from China and Russia.


Andrei Lankov, The Real North Korea.

duminică, 20 noiembrie 2016

Yuja tea and yakkwa, the best snack for lazy, cozy winter days

When it comes to Korean cuisine, there are 3 characteristics that i love about it:

  1. Korean cuisine is healthy and balanced, combining ingredients that are good for the body
  2. Korean cuisine is always innovative
  3. Each traditional Korean food, beverage, snack etc, has a long and amazing history and a story to tell. If you want to get to know Korean culture and get a better understanding, trying the food is the best solution 

Yakkwa is a Korean traditional sweet snack which seems to be eaten since 6 century Silla Dynasty and it was considered as a medicine. The name itself means yak medicine and gwa fruit, and before it used to have a flower`s shape. During Goryeo Dynasty it became very popular, as the Buddhism flourished, instead of meat, people had this alternative to use in temples, rituals, holidays, etc.

However, in the last dynasty, Joseon, not many people could afford it so it was considered nobility`s dessert.
The ingredients are honey, wheat flour and sesame oil. However, nowadays the recipe is a bit changed and ingredients as cinnamon powder, ginger juice, rice wine etc.

This snack is always present during the ritual for ancestors, and nowadays it is easy to find and very cheap, less than 3 dollars.

But, after eating this dessert you will feel very thirsty, and as outside it is so cold, instead of water, yuja tea goes better.

Yuja tea is not easy to find in western countries and it is specifically Korean.

Yuja is a citrus plant that originated in Asia since long time ago, and initially, it was used for its tree and not its fruits. It was discovered by mistake and since then it became the number one cold medicine for Koreans.

It looks similar to a lemon, but the smell, texture and peel are different. It cannot be eaten by itself and you have to mix it with sugar or honey.

The ingredients are very easy:

1.Yuja fruit
2.Honey (In my case I prefer honey as it is healthier than sugar, but if you drink yuja tea in coffee shops most of the time it is made with sugar)

After you washed and cut yuja fruits you have to mix them with honey and wait for 2 hours, and then you can drink with hot or cold water. The taste is amazing  and it is packed with vitamin C and helps to keep you far from the flu and boosts your immune system.

In my case, it helps me to relax and makes my mood better as it has a strong aroma.

I think yuja tea along with yakkwa is Korea`s best snack. Not only healthy but also they have a big history and nice stories.

Give it a try ~

Buckwheat noodles and Chinese Yam Chicken Soup, the pearls of Gangwon province, Korea

Even though South Korea is a homogeneous country, here, like in any other country, each region has its own unicity.

When it comes to Gangwon province (Northen part of South Korea), 2 specific dishes come to my mind and I really enjoy eating them:

1. Memil guksu or buckwheat noodles 메밀국수

2. Mabaeksuk or Chicken soup with Chinese yam herbs  마닭백숙

1. Buckwheat noodles

Buckwheat noodles are famous especially in Gangwon province because the grain`s crop are better and at the same time it is plenty of vegetables. Why I recommend you this dish?

Buckwheat floor is less glutinous which is not only healthier, but you do not gain as much weight as if you eat another glutinous cereal floor.

Koreans eat this kind of dish especially during summer and it is cold buckwheat noodles.

The ingredients are very simple, but the taste is amazing. Of course, each restaurant has different ingredients, but the main ones are:

  • Gocujang or spicy pepper floor 
  • Soy sauce
  • Different vegetables (cucumber, onion, carrot, etc)
  • Kim or seaweed
  • Kimchi
  • Boiled egg
  • fish cake

2. Mabaeksunk 마닭백숙

Well, to be honest, I love this dish, it is so healthy and it has a very strong herbal smell. When I went to Jeongseon, in Gangwon province I tried for the very first time this chicken soup boiled in Chinese yam which is a very known herb in oriental medicine, used since 2000 years ago to cure many stomach disease or pains.

The main ingredients are:

1. Chicken (there the chicken is organic)
2.Chinese Yam or 마
4. Salt
5. Sesame seeds
6.Rice (put inside the chicken)
7. And of course amazing side dishes 

Gangwon province is famous for its Chinese yam.

The benefits of eating this soup are:

  • Nourishing and good source of: vitamin B, A, C
  • Reduces constipation
  • plenty of beta-carotene
  • Reduces cholesterol levels
Koreans prefer to eat this kind of soup especially during summer to combat the heat.
However, the Chinese yam soup is not that famous in other regions.

I bought a bottle of Chinese Yam floor and I made this soup at home and I loved it.

If you are in Korea, you should definitely give this a try !

joi, 29 septembrie 2016

Romania-North Korea: friendship during the Cold War

Photo source:

During the Cold War, as the world was divided by the two superpowers, small countries used to make alliances/friends with other states that shared the same ideology and visions.

 Romania and North Korea started to tighten their relation by cultural, economic and diplomatic exchanges. The Romanian leader showed a lot of interest in Kim Il Sung`s political visions, the cult of personality and mass games and tried to adapt that to Romanian realities.  In fact, the north Korean regime had a lot of influence on the Romanian communist vision.

 Romanian and north Korean leader used to be very close and paying official visits during different occasions. Beginning with 1971, Romania’s leader Nicolae Ceausescu started to visit North Korea with the purpose of strengthening the political and economic cooperation between the two socialist states. 

The first official visit of General Secretary of Romanian Communist Party and the President of Romania in North Korea took place on 9th June 1971.  Back then, the President of Romania went on a tour of Asian countries (China, Vietnam, Mongolia, Cambodia), North Korea being among them.

Photo source:

While his stay in Pyeongyang, the Romanian leader was praised by Kim Il Sung that during the welcoming speech affirmed:  `Both during the Korean War and during the post-war reconstruction, Romanian brother people wholeheartedly granted us multilateral aid, disinterested, and today is actively supporting, in different sectors.’
The relationship between the two states was reflected within the Treaty of friendship and collaboration, signed by the two in 1975 during the second visit of Romanian President to North Korea which took place between 20th and 23rd May 1978.

On 21st May 1978, at Moranbong stadium in Pyeongyang, President Nicolae Ceausescu participated in the festive event organized by Kim Il Sung for his Romanian guest. The huge mass gathered at the stadium, floating in the sky, four enormous balloons in red and white plaid hold the two states flags with inscriptions of 

Welcome, and Long live the friendship between North Korea and Romania.

On this occasion, Kim Il Sung, using, of course, the communist propaganda, gave a speech regarding the friendship relations between the two states:

`Companions and friends, for a long time already, Korean and Romanian people supported each other and closely collaborate

“The current impetuous development of our countries’ relations is due to the fact that our parties promote sovereignty and respect each other. Applying in all sectors the Juche idea, our Korean people follow an enthusiast fight for accomplishing the new great objectives of the second septennial plan.

In response, President of Romania said:

`Our visit to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea represents an expression of friendship relations and collaboration between the Romanian Communist Party and North Korean Work Party. I was happy to notice that the relations between our countries continued to strengthen and grew to an exceptional extent.

On 22nd May 1978, the official communication between the two presidents has ended, communication during which it was agreed on the economic, technical-scientific, industrial and cultural collaboration. On 23rd May, Kumsusan palace, the two presidents signed the Joint Declaration for the friendship strengthen, solidarity and collaboration development of the two sister states. Among the declaration’s provisions, there were: 

1. Delegations exchange and collaboration in education, culture, health, IT, tourism and sports sectors.

2. Action against the imperialism, colonialism, domination politics and any type of aggression and involvement in internal affairs, in order to ensure peace and security in the world, for achieving disarmament and bringing a new international economic and political order.

After further visits to North Korea, President Nicolae Ceausescu, and the Political Executive Committee concluded that it is beneficial for both socialist states to develop a more intense multilateral collaboration. Therefore, on 17th April 1982, Ceausescu went on the third visit to Democratic People's Republic of Korea. On the occasion of his birthday, Kim Il Sung was decorated by Nicolae Ceausescu with the Star of the Socialist Republic of Romania, first class, by presidential decree. Romanian president used this opportunity to reinforce his support for North Koreans in the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula.

 Among the documents signed were: Collaboration agreement for the harness of non-ferrous metal resources, Cooperation agreement for the use of nuclear energy for peaceful means, Collaboration agreement in the social security sector and Collaboration plan for the protection of health and medical sciences for 1982-1983.

During his visit to the capital of North Korea, Romanian president stated:  

‘I am sure that, during our communication, we will find, together, new ways and possibilities for raising even higher the level of these relations, suitable for the great possibilities our countries have at disposal, in the interest of the economic and social development.’

Kim Il Sung replied: `Companion Nicolae Ceausescu is our closest friend who came from Europe.’

It was discussed also the economic collaboration through expanding the production cooperation of important sectors of the national economy, including the harness of non-ferrous metal resources and the use of nuclear energy.  

Even though we could notice the propaganda in the speech of both communist leaders, one thing was sure, during the Cold War, both countries though that it was needed each other`s support in order to maintain their sovereignty as small countries had no influence on the international arena. Both north-Korean and Romanian leader were blinded by power and the cult of personality and their ambitions led to impoverish  of their countries.  

duminică, 25 septembrie 2016

My experience as a student at the North Korean Studies department

I have been living in South Korea for two years now and the most frequent question I’ve been asked by both foreigners and Koreans is: Why did you choose to study about North Korea? Sometimes I find it hard to answer, but the encouragements and thanks, I receive from south Koreans give me the strength to go forward with this crazy dream – I might say.

It is not easy to study about North Korea because we encounter so many limits/barriers and most of the time we can only guess or guide our research based on the stories/reveals of north Korean refugees.

Lately, the Government in South Korea gives more support to the Science Departments, and the humanist approaches are left behind. This change has affected the departments of North Korean Studies and now the Dongguk University is the only university to have a department of North Korean Studies.  In addition, there is one more university focused only on studying North Korea.

In general, the young people are so preoccupied about their future that majoring in north Korean Studies is not their interest. Absorbed by daily routine, south Koreans are more and more uninterested about their neighbor in the north, although there are some persons who are keen on the unification process.

If you are curious about why I chose this major, I could give many reasons.

Starting with my freshman years, I began to grow an interest in North Korea, especially from the moment I started studying the national archives about the relation between Ceausescu and Kim Il Sung. At that time, I felt very sorry that I couldn’t find enough books to read because studies on the peninsula are very hard to find. In addition, although in the ‘70s our communist leader was very heartened about the Juche ideas and how Kim Il Sung ruled his own country, no relevant study was written in Romania about the Romanian-north Korean relations.  The first reason that made me apply for this major was thus the lack of research on this topic. Another reason was that the communist regime in Romania was similar to the one in North Korea, so even if I haven’t experimented that regime (being born in the ‘90s) I was very impressed by my grandparents and parents’ stories, so I wanted to find out more.

Thus, I decided that South Korea was the ideal place where I can improve my knowledge about North Korea. It wasn’t an easy decision, but the enthusiasm made we conquer many obstacles and fears.

After I graduated in Romania, I applied for a Master’s program at Dongguk University – North Korean Studies department, with a specialization in politics for the unification. Currently, I’m in my third semester and I have to prepare for my graduation exams, as well as for my Dissertation thesis. The subject approached in my personal research (Dissertation) is about the friendly relationships between Romania and North Korean during 1965-1988.

In the group at University, we are only two foreigners, the others students being of Korean citizenship - two of them being north Korean defectors. For a year, when I had to attend classes, I noticed that there are still enough people who want to learn about North Korea – they are passionate about it and won’t let themselves discouraged by the difficulties they encounter as graduated students in North Korean Studies. I’ve learned that age or your personal background don’t matter: there is always a was as long as you have the will to continue to learn!

Although the majority of the studies are in Korean, both teachers and colleagues have always given me help and support. Being an important Department, we have a lot to read, but we all put all our effort and the classes are enjoyable. Usually, we have to prepare presentations on different subjects related to north Korea (ex. historical/ economical studies, about Juche ideology, etc.).

What impressed me the most is that everybody is interested in studying and no one is complaining or makes wrong assumptions: everyone is trying to be objective when judging the north Korean politics.

On 20 September 2016, all the students who are currently studying for Masters or Ph.D. participated at a supper to welcome the freshman students and to encourage the ones who are already involved in this journey. We rented a restaurant near to the University and for two hours we introduced ourselves, talked about why we chose this Department and about our dreams. Although I’m very far from home, I felt a warm family embrace and I was once more impressed that there are students who want to learn about North Korea. The atmosphere was very nice and the meeting ended with a toast for peace and reunification. Our Chinese friend who has just visited North Korea brought us north Korean alcohol which made this experience even more enjoyable and for a minute we felt close to our brothers in the north.

For those willing to find out more about North Korea, I kindly advise them to also apply and study here, because it will be a new and unique experience. And even though it is said that there aren’t many opportunities, I dare disagree. Currently, I’m enjoying this opportunity given to me by the Unification Minister to write about North Korea. So you just have to keep up and don’t give up, because where’s will, there is always a way!

duminică, 18 septembrie 2016

Korean healthy food travel journal. Ipari restaurant, raw meat and other K-food stories


 As a foreigner who lives in Korea, I can tell that sometimes it is difficult for me to find a nice place where to eat. Korea has so many restaurants and most of them have amazing food, however, I know that Koreans only eat in very delicious places. If you want to see Koreans' review you need to access Naver and if you can not speak good Korean...well there is a problem.
So I am here to help out.


 A few days ago I went with my team to a very nice restaurant called IPARI (이파리) that is situated near Hongdae (around 5minutes by car).

    There we had very delicious Korean food and also we have tried out Korean rice wine and I could swear God that so far was the  best makgeolli I have ever tried.

    The restaurant is a bit pricey but if you compare with the quality it is totally worth.
Plus once in a while, you do deserve a good and healthy Korean food, don't you?

    We had a nice Friday evening. We are 4 members and we get along very well.

    While eating we filmed. It was really fun. Kind of mogbang (먹방) experience ㅋㅋㅋ.
    We ordered lots of food.

    The first one was, of course, the drinks: Magkolii. It was so so good. I have no words to describe it...
Then we had bossam (보쌈) which is pork meat eaten with kimchi (김치).

    After we ate the first dish, we ordered raw meat. Yes, you heard it well...RAW meat... Don't get scared.. it is tasty.. tastier that it might sound. It is a very Korean dish... so you should definitely try it out if you want to get to know K-culture. Actually, this food is simple. It is made by good quality raw meat seasoned with various condiments. You have to eat it with raw yolk. It was good. I would try it again for sure.

    After these dishes, we got a very healthy dish made by seafood and vegetables. 

    And at the end, we had fish soup. This really impressed me. very healthy and as Koreans would say 시원하다 that means refreshing.

     After we finished eating we took some pictures and moved to a coffee shop where again we ordered a delicious Korean shaved ice dessert.(빙수)

      It was a great evening. Good, healthy food and nice friends. It is an awesome experience that Korean Food Foundation offered to me.

So thanks to them I will be able to explore Korean food and inform the world. Stay tuned^^~~

Ipari restaurant address: Seoul, Seodaemun-gu, Yeonhuidong 193-16 2nd floor  (서울특별시 서대문구 연희동 193-16 2층)

Here I made a short photo video with our adventure.

joi, 15 septembrie 2016

The influence of guerrilla war on Kim Il Sung political vision

How can we define a guerrilla? If we take a look at the dictionary a guerrilla is a member of an irregular force operating in small bands in occupied territory to harass and undermine the enemy, as by surprise raids, using unconventional, inexpensive means to get attention and generate interest.

The guerrilla experience taught Kim Il Sung the value of maintaining a united front and of using unconventional tactics against a stronger opponent.  The years Kim Il Sung spent outside his motherland had a great impact on his life experiences and decisions. Even though he and his guerrilla group had not had many great victories they succeeded in well knowing not only in North Korea but also in the Soviet Union and China. The years he dedicated to anti-Japanese war were recompensed with the acknowledging of Union Soviet and finally with the leadership of the northern part of the Korean peninsula in 1945 after he came back to Korea. When he returned to his motherland, he was seen as a guerrilla patriot with charismatic experience, commitment, and solidarity.

In this photo, Kim Il Sung was in command of Second Directional Army in Jilin, China (1938),
Photo source: 

The guerrilla years is the root of Kim Il Sung`s national ideology and all his past experiences in Manchuria represent the prototype of how a political system should manage difficult situations.
Kim Sung Ju, (김성주) on his real name, after he fled with his family in Manchuria, started to be interested in participating in anti-Japanese organizations as well as in Marxist underground groups.  This led to his arrest and interrupting his studies. However, he managed to get the post of political commissar for the 3rd a detachment of the second division.
During Chientao 5.30 Incident (that took place in 1930 May 30) the Korean communist guerrillas started a big riot against Japanese, Kim Il Sung did not play a big role, however, Korean fighters caught the attention by attacking the Japanese consulate and different enterprises.  Kim Il Sung led around 200 guerillas fighters to the city of Bochonbo in 1937 June. Even though this battle was on a small-scale it was quite daring and made the name of Kim Il Sung well know also because the Japanese portrayed him as the general of the anti-Japanese struggle. This battle is used by the propagandistic machine of North Korea to over-exaggerate the role of Kim Il Sung. It is true that it had quite a big impact and was the highest point in Kim`s career.
Between 1940 and 1941 guerrilla’s groups had to flee in the Soviet Union as the Japanese attacks intensified. Kim Il Sung got all the support from Russian communists and he received the command of the 88 special Brigade with 200 Koreans and around 100 Chinese. These years were decisive as Kim was respected by the Russian comrades and made him the best choice for a future leader of North Korea.
        The question is why Kim got to have so much fame during his years in Manchuria and the Soviet Union?
First of all, Kim got the trust of his older Korean comrades who chose him as their leader. During his stay at Khabarovsk Soviet, Chinese and Korean Anti-Japanese forces appointed him as the leader of Korean Task Force.
               The harsh environment in Manchuria had a great impact on Kim Il Sung. This hardship (like frozen or starved to death) made Kim and his comrades be united. Another key to their survival was the flexibility, Kim Il Sung had to adapt to new environment, he had to abide every day in order to survive. Making a living while fighting for his motherland independence made his group be brutal as well. The guerrilla years made Kim seize the all-important political power and make allies. Later on, after becoming the new leader of North Korea we can see how he got to take advantage of his guerrilla years making himself a big hero and a great fighter. He might have fought for Korean peninsula`s independence, and became a hero for his people, but it turned out that later on, he became a heartless dictator that was not afraid to kill his own allies and friends in order to maintain the power.
              Kim Il Sung was not the only Korean guerilla who fought outside Korean peninsula, however in North Korean history is used as a propaganda tool and Kim Il Sung`s guerilla`s years are putting on the light only Kim`s figure, ignoring other heroes who fought for freedom.
This photo is used as propaganda in North Korea showing a good looking and brave Kim Il Sung.
Photo source:

Andrei Lankov, The Real Korea. Life and Politics in the Failed Stalinist Utopia, New York, Oxford University Press, 2015.
Lim Un, The founding of a dynasty in North Korea, translated from A secret history of the founding of a North Korea dynasty, Japan, 1982.

Scott Snyder, North Korean Behavior. Negotiation on the Edge, United States Institute of Peace, Washington, 2002.

luni, 12 septembrie 2016

Crab marinat in sos de soia, un deliciu al bucatariei coreene

Soia, sosul de soia, dar mai ales fermentatul diferitelor alimente reprezinta caracteristica principala a bucatariei coreene.

Nu de putin timp am descoperit ganjanggejang- crab marinat in sos de soia. Acest fel de mancare este destul de greu de mancat, mai ales de cei care nu sunt familiarizati cu fructele de mare. Crabul crud se asezoneaza cu diferite condimente si se lasa la marinat in sos de soia, care este destul de sarat.

Despre crabul marinat se spune in cultura coreeana ca este hotul de orez pentru ca atunci cand se serveste, orezul se manaca pentru a balansa cantitatea de sare din sosul de soia.

Pentru mine reprezinta deja mancarea mea favorita in Coreea si ori de cate ori am ocazia merg sa servesc cu prietenii la restaurant. Pretul este destul de scump, si in general fructele de mare sunt scumpe, insa am descoperit un restaurant unde poti  manca nelimitat. Este ca un fel de bufet.

Pentru persoanele aventuroase care doresc sa incerce ceva nou, recomand cu incredere acest fel de mancare coreeana, mai ales ca este foarte sanatos si nutritiv.

Din ce am putut observa, crabul marinat in sos de soia nu este foarte popular in ultima vreme, mai ales pentru noiile generatii. Chiar si prietenii coreeni mi-au spus ca ei nu pot manca deoarece este prea sarat, iar textura crabului crud/marinat este greu de suportat.

Restaurantul acesta este situat intr-o zona turistica si anume in Dongdaemun. Mi s-a parut amuzant ca este si take out, desi un kilogram de crab marinat este destul de scump:(.

Am mancat pe saturate. Sarut`mana pentru masa ^^~~~