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History showed us that even the most powerful leaders had to confront with different coalitions that tried to put them down.
We all know that Kim Il Sung was the incontestable leader of North Korea, but not many remember that even Kim had to confront a coalition who planned to take over the power from his hands. During the Korean War, especially after the Chinese Intervention, Kim managed to eliminate many of his enemies and to consolidate his power even though attacking South Korea was not a smart move.
In the beginning of the North Korean political life, the situation was different than the realities we know today. The North Korean Workers' Party was not the only party that was dominating the north Korean politics. There were four main parties:
1. The Domestic Faction (formed by the Koreans who stayed in Korean Peninsula even during the colonial era)
2. Guerilla Faction (Its members were those who fought along with Kim in Manchuria as guerrillas)
3. Yanan Faction (the members were Koreans that emigrated to China and return back in 1945)
4. The Soviet Faction (formed by Soviet-Koreans)
Starting with 1953 Kim had to do visits in different communist countries, especially in Eastern Europe in order to get help to recover its country`s poor economy. During his absence, the leading members of Yanan Faction along with some members of the Soviet Faction gave a speech criticizing Kim Il Sung's policies and planned to take down Kim and replace him with a collective leadership. The main reason was that they did not like the ascending cult of personality that Kim was promoting. It is not well known if they planned to do a military coup d’état.
This incident is known in the history as The August Faction Incident or Second Arduous March and it took place on 30th august 1956 during the North Korean Workers' Party plenum. This came as a result of N.Kruscheov' s anti-Stalinism speeches.
During the 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, the new soviet leader tried to get rid of Stalin legacy. This affected the communist all around the world and in Hungary and Poland revolution occurred. However, in North Korea this speech did not damaged Kim's imagine as he was already getting the support from the Central Committee.
Why did this collation fail to take down Kim Il Sung?
First of all, Yanan party`s members did not have a common ideology and identity to relate to and at the same time, they could not control the army or to get any support from the military.
Furthermore, no other domestic group supported this coalition as Kim eliminated all his enemies before, he installed fear among north Korean politicians.
During his guerrilla`s years, Kim made allies and he gave all the trust and power to the Guerilla Faction leaders, and by that time, many of the generals in the Korean People`s Army were Kim`s closest men.
In fact, this unsuccessful coalition had a big impact on north Korean politics, as Kim Il Sung used this incident to eliminate any potential enemy that would have threaten his position as supreme leader. The members of this incident were called rebels and arrested and executed. Even some of them fled to China or the URSS, even their families had to pay the price of the "treason".
After this incident, Kim's power was strengthened and made the path for a new north Korean nationalism communism and empowering the Juche ideology. Furthermore, it was the beginning of "independence" and non-intervention in intern affairs from China and Russia.
Andrei Lankov, The Real North Korea.